Monday, March 12, 2012

We Are All The Same Kind

Standing in Wal-mart, at the check-out line,
The Lady in front, was having a hard time,
Nervous and upset, as her card was declined,
Was that my thought, "She's not MY KIND"????

Then a small voice said, "The poor will always be,"
"And as You do to my brethren, You do unto me!"
Then without hesitation, I paid for her stuff,
She seemed so grateful, couldn't thank me enough!

I tell this story, and even though it is true,
It's really about Jesus, and what He can do!
He gives us free choice, for decisions we make,
Then He forgives us, if we make a mistake!

But we must be repentant, for forgiveness of sin,
HIS BLOOD ON THE CROSS means everything then!
So Thank You, Lord JESUS, for influencing my mind,
And now I know that dear lady is truly my kind!!!!

I ask Your forgiveness, for committing that sin,
I am truly repentant, and it won't happen again!
YOU taught about Charity, and in your teaching I FIND,

Richard L. Cartwright © January--2012

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