Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Passover Week

This is Passover week and the week Jesus was crucified for 
our sins.  Over two thousand years ago, He willingly laid down 
His life on Calvary's old rugged cross.  The cross was not something 
new to Him.  He grew the tree that would be the instrument of 
His death.  The cross was an instrument of torture and death
for the the most hardened of criminals.  Yet, Jesus had no sin 
nor was He a criminal.  He came to save the sinner and give
a more abundant life to all who would receive Him.

I can't even imagine what must have been going through His 
mind as he heard the crowd crying, "Crucify Him."  Although
Jesus knew He would lay down His life for us as a willing
sacrifice, He was both God and man.  As man, He also had
feelings just as we have.  His prayer was to let his cup
pass from Him, if possible, but nevertheless, He prayed
for His Father's will to be done.

God even grew the tree that He knew would be the
instrument of his only begotten Son's death. 
 With outstretched hands and feet nailed to the cross, 
He paid the price for sin that we should have paid.
  God's ways are not our ways, as Scripture declares. 
 Have you ever pondered on this truth of God's 
Holy Word?

Who would give an innocent one to save the guilty, 
except the one who loved the whole world with
a perfect love?  Who would lay down His life for
the guilty, except God's only begotten son who had 
no guilt or sin?  One perfect plan gave mankind 
the greatest gift of all, and the promise of eternal life.

What marvelous grace that saved our soul.  It is
a grace that still amazes us, even today.  Because He 
arose in victory, from the grave, we have a blessed hope.
One day, we too shall rise, and the promise of the 
redemption of our bodies will be fulfilled.
What a day, glorious day,that will be!

The words to an old song we used to sing declares,
"The tomb is empty now, the Lord's not here.
Come see the place, the Savior lay.
Since He came forth, I have no fear,
I'll live some glad, eternal day."

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another new day

Today is another new day the Lord has blessed us with. If you were able to get out of bed this morning, you are blessed! There are many who are unable to even sit up, let alone stand and walk alone.

We should be thankful for the help of our Lord and for His abundant blessings upon us. If we visit the nursing homes and see the patients who are confined to their bed or a wheel chair, we see those who may have once been as we are. And, we think that one day, we could be like these.

May the Lord give compassion to every member of the medical profession who cares for the sick and elderly, and to every worker who helps in these institutions. We pray for His help and healing and that the sick and infirmed be treated with dignity and respect.

The Healer


Have you a heart that is weary
are you sick in body or soul,
We still have a great Physician,
the Healer has everything under control.

There is no problem which He cannot solve
The Healer was wounded in our place,
Jesus suffered the pain that should have been ours,
to bring salvation and wholeness, to the human race.

In this life, there will be pain and sickness
there will be death and sorrow while we walk this land,
We have a blessed hope and one who helps us,
we have a God who cares and understands.

No matter how deep the valley
or how high the mountain may be,
We'll make it through through by the power of His Spirit,
we must fully trust the Savior, who died to set us free.

The Healer is always present
He can still save and heal a soul sick with sin or pain,
When we trust in the Lord, we find His mercies,
there is still power in His blessed holy name.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.



Have you a heart for the lonely
those who are hurting or rejected?
Do you think of those who are homeless,
aged, despised, or neglected?

Hearts for Christ will love others
with a love which only God can give,
they will care about others, as Christ did,
share the gospel, to give others reason to live.

Jesus was the world's greatest Valentine
for He alone gave His life and great love,
without His supreme sacrifice,
we'd have no way to heaven above.

Hearts for Christ must be humble
we must depend on God's grace every day,
when we see a brother or sister stumble,
we should be willing to help them and pray.

What this world needs most is Jesus
His love and sacrifice will set them free,
People need to hear of salvation,
our Savior died for souls, on Calvary's rugged tree.

Love is the greatest gift of all
and although everything else may fail,
we know the love of God is freely bestowed,
His love shall always and forever prevail.

There is someone who cares, my friend
there is a God who truly loves you
your every burden He will bear,
our Precious Lord will see you through.

So reach out today with love
and let others know someone cares,
As you touch other hearts for Jesus,
you'll find God's love is always faithful and true.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes

One day soon, the Bridegroom will call for His Bride
We'll hear the cry when Jesus comes in the air,
The dead in Christ shall rise first to meet the Savior
And those alive in Christ on earth, shall join them there.

Souls on earth, left behind, shall face many woes
They shall mourn, and wish they had been prepared,
It will be one day too late, for many left here below,
They will wish they had accepted Jesus, and his love shared.

The day after the coming of Jesus
There will be many hearts trembling, in fear,
Many shall run here and there, not knowing the future,
But will soon know, the Day of God's judgment is very near.

The day after Christ comes, there will be weeping
Loved ones will be left behind, who refused God's plan,
Today is the day of salvation, and to be sure we are ready,
Today is the day, Christians must firmly take a stand.

One day soon, it will be "the day after"
His coming is foretold, the Day of the Lord is drawing nigh,
Jesus will split the Eastern skies as promised,
We shall meet our Blessed Lord, in the sweet by and by.

Be ready, for we know not the day or hour
when our Blessed Savior shall appear
From the signs of the times we can see
the day of the Lord is near.

Jo Ann Kelly © 2004.
J. P.'s Inspirations

This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.



When trials of life assail you
or storm clouds come your way,
Hold on by faith to Jesus
you'll have a brighter day.

When problems of this world
seem to weigh you down
Look up to the Savior,
He can always be found.

The trying of our faith works patience,
it gives hope in our life,
We have a blessed Redeemer
who took away our sin and strife.

Though circumstances may look bleak
remember, things are not always as they seem,
For we have a Loving Savior
He is always working behind the scenes.

There is nothing God cannot handle
No problem is to big for Him to work out,
Look up to the King of Kings,
trust fully in Him and never doubt.

Jesus is the door which leads to life eternal,
there is only one way to God
When we enter through the straight gate,
we find help in this land we now trod.

The enemy may rage
but greater is our God within,
Hold on to the Lord,
storms of life always have to end.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

Our Lives Are In Your Hands


Our lives are in your hands, O Lord
created in your image, we have power to stand.
You are the Potter and we are the clay,
You make us new creations, according to your perfect plan.

Our life is in you Lord
why should we worry, or ever be dismayed?
If we give you our heart and soul,
You've promised to guide us, all along life's way.

In You, we are made complete and whole
there is no other, on whom we can depend
For every problem, you have the answer,
You will always be our dearest friend.

Our life is founded on the solid rock
in your words, we trust and believe,
Because we trust in you, O Lord,
Your blessings, we freely receive.

Our leaf shall not whither, nor shall it fade,
for you are the Living Water of our soul,
Your plans for our lives shall prosper,
As to your loving hand, we forever choose to hold.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

The peace of God passes our understanding,
as we lean upon the arms of the Lord,
His power will carry us, as in Him we stand,
walking through this life to our final reward.

There is no other friend, who is like our God
He is King of all Kings and our Savior,
There is no other who can save, heal, and deliver,
He keeps his children, in his divine love and favor.

Rest in Him and lay down your heavy burdens,
Daily, you can trust in his amazing grace,
He will carry you as you hold to His hand,
Jesus will guide you safely, to the end of life's race.

Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2004
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

We Are All The Same Kind

Standing in Wal-mart, at the check-out line,
The Lady in front, was having a hard time,
Nervous and upset, as her card was declined,
Was that my thought, "She's not MY KIND"????

Then a small voice said, "The poor will always be,"
"And as You do to my brethren, You do unto me!"
Then without hesitation, I paid for her stuff,
She seemed so grateful, couldn't thank me enough!

I tell this story, and even though it is true,
It's really about Jesus, and what He can do!
He gives us free choice, for decisions we make,
Then He forgives us, if we make a mistake!

But we must be repentant, for forgiveness of sin,
HIS BLOOD ON THE CROSS means everything then!
So Thank You, Lord JESUS, for influencing my mind,
And now I know that dear lady is truly my kind!!!!

I ask Your forgiveness, for committing that sin,
I am truly repentant, and it won't happen again!
YOU taught about Charity, and in your teaching I FIND,

Richard L. Cartwright © January--2012

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Are you safe and secure in Jesus?
Have you laid all your burdens at His feet?
Have you given Him your every care,
and trusted Him to supply every need?

We have blessed assurance
when we cast all of our cares upon the Savior,
for we know He cares for us,
He gives us His grace and favor.

There is no problem too big
There's no storm which He cannot calm,
He's always an on time God
who'll keep us safe from harm.

We find joy in Jesus
He gives His peace so serene.
We must keep trusting in the Savior
as on His everlasting arms, we lean.

So hold on to the hand of the Savior
let Him lead the way through this land.
When you trust fully in the Lord,
by faith in Him, you'll stand.

Blessings In Christ,

Jo Ann Kelly © 2008, 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits
intact,for non-profit ministering purposes.

God's Grace Is Truly Amazing

Our lives were like an old broken violin
which could not share a melodious song,
we needed divine help and transformation
Jesus saw our hearts, and all that was wrong.

He fixed the strings of our lives with grace
just as He knew they should be,
gave us a new melody of grace and love,
when He died on Calvary, to set our souls free.

The broken vessels which we used to be
without true peace or joy within,
were seen by Jesus, with His amazing grace,
He took away the stain and guilt of sin.

Though once our lives were out of harmony
as forgiveness had not yet been decreed,
He saw how His grace could transform us
though the power of His blood, He set us free.

The moment we called upon Him in faith
put our trust in His holy name,He reached down to restore our brokenness
Our Lord took away our guilt and shame.

No longer are we without peace or hope
the grace God gives is amazing
He reached down with a love that cannot fail,
redeemed us by His grace, that's still saving.

God's grace will always amaze our hearts
His love, we'll never deny,
for by His mercy and great lovingkindness,
our souls have been redeemed and justified.

Blessings In Christ,Jo Ann Kelly © 2008, 2006J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Bear ye one another's burdens

Bring their needs to God in prayer,
He has spoken to His children
We are to help and always care.

As we love and lift up needs of others

To our God who dwells on high,
We fulfill the law of Christ
Who is near, when we draw nigh.

There are souls who are hurting

Stumbling beneath the load they bear
Many need a friend to help them,
Someone willing to show they care.

We can give God every burden

As He bids us come to Him,
He will help and He will heal,
Jesus is our dearest Friend.

Blessings In Christ,

Jo Ann Kelly © 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations


Do you have cares and heavy burdens, my friend,
Problems that you feel are just too hard to bear?
Jesus knows your ever need or woe,
He is our Loving Savior, the one who always cares.

Do you feel unrest, or need peace within your soul?
Jesus wlll speak rest to your heart and life,
He will keep you safe, in the shelter of the Good Shepherd's fold.
Only He gives true peace, as He takes away sin and strife

Call upon the Lord, believing by faith,
Trust fully in His Holy name,
Once you have known his saving grace and love,
Your life will never be the same.

Jo Ann Kelly © 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations


At the dawning of a new day
as the morning sun begins to rise,
I meet with my blessed Savior
In His glorious heavenly sunshine.

The beauty of the morning
while the roses shine with glistening dew,
reveals to me our Savior's love,
always so faithful and true.

What a joy it is to know
our Savior is ever near,
He's there to speak sweet peace
and dry our every tear.

One day when our life is over
and time for us on earth shall be no more,
Jesus shall ascend in the clouds with a shout,
He'll step out from heaven's golden shore.

With the voice of the great Archangel
at the sound of the trumpet blast,
our blessed Lord will tell his children,
"it's time to come on home at last."

We'll rise in a moment,
at the twinkling of an eye,
to meet our loving Savior in the air,
and bid this old world "goodbye."

Oh what a glorious celebration
when we join the saints of old,
reunited with friends and loved ones,
in that land where we'll never grow old.

God our Father will welcome us
in that beautiful city on high,
we shall live in mansions forever,
in the sweet by and by.

Some morning soon we'll hear His call
and see our Lord in clouds of glory,
Heavenly sunshine will be eternal,
the Son of God will shine forevermore.

So until the day of our Lord's appearing
We must keep the faith each day
We'll walk on in His heavenly sunshine,
Praise His name, give thanks, and pray.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations


Each day is a day our Lord could come again,
we know not what day or hour He'll appear.
We must be ready to meet Him,
From the signs of the times,
His coming is very near.

The choice is ours alone to make
which one will it be?
Will we choose the world
or Jesus Christ, who died to set us free?

We must not overlook salvation
tomorrow may be too late to pray,
Today is the day to call upon His name,
choose His amazing grace and the gospel way.

So live each day in His favor
make your calling and election sure.
We know not the time we shall meet Him,
this could be the very day or year.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations


How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight. except their Rock had sold them,
and their Lord had shut them up."
.....Deuteronomy 32: 30
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In this life, there is power in numbers, when we are working for the Lord. Together, we work together for the Lord in His service, and in Him we are secure. In our weakness, Jesus is our strength and His Spirit helps us accomplish the tasks we are called to do. We are also to help one another and work together. Unity brings victory in Jesus when we work together and communicate openly and honestly.

*This is a repeat of a wonderful story I read about Jimmy Durante, one of the great entertainers of a generation ago. Mr. Durante was asked to be a part of a show for World War II veterans. He told them his schedule was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes, but if they wouldn’t mind his doing one short monologue and immediately leaving for his next appointment, he would come.

Of course, the show’s director agreed happily. But when Jimmy got on stage, something interesting happened. He went through the short monologue and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept staying. Pretty soon, he had been on fifteen, twenty, then thirty minutes. Finally he took a last bow and left the stage. Backstage someone stopped him and said,“I thought you had to go after a few minutes. What happened?”

Jimmy answered, “I did have to go, but I can show you the reason I stayed. You can see for yourself if you’ll look down on the front row.” In the front row were two men, each of whom had lost an arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were able to clap, and that’s exactly what they were doing, loudly and cheerfully.

We see the story of how two could join together to accomplish what they wanted to do, even though they had been handicapped as a result of the war. In spiritual warfare, we see many who are wounded in the fight. These need others to help them get back in the race. One can chase a thousand when the enemy is in pursuit, but two can put ten thousand to flight. Many times our plans must be changed as we reach out to help strengthen another brother or sister in Christ. True joy is putting Jesus first, others second, and self last.

Someone may be waiting today for someone willing to join with them and help them make it to the finish line. Working together in unity is required in the Body of Christ to be successful. We are to be as "one new man" in Christ and let His Spirit unite us in bonds of love and peace. May our prayer be to rescue the perishing and care for the dying. Jesus is merciful....Jesus will save!

Blessings In Christ
Jo Ann Kelly © 2006,
J. P.'s Inspirations



Take my hand and I'll take yours
Together I know we shall stand,
We'll share each other's burdens, as together we pray,
Jesus will be with us, from here to the promised land.

As we seek the Lord and lean not to our own understanding
Together, we can put the enemy to flight
God will fight our battles as we join together as one,
Together we can make it, through the darkest night.

We are strengthened and encouraged by one another
There is power when all work together, for God's glory,
Open and honest communication will bring unity,
Together we shall worship God, and share salvation's story.

Blessings In Christ,

Jo Ann Kelly © 2006,
J. P.'s Inspirations


We've been lifted by the Savior's love
to sit with Him in heavenly places.
We've had our names written in the Lamb's Book of life,
Jesus forgives, and our sins, He erases.

Lifted by His love, no more to be bound by sin
Raised to new heights, by His grace,
Covered by His precious blood,
we're forgiven, sin has no more place.

There is still power in the blood
it still cleanses and washes away sin,
There is still hope for all
in this world of fallen men.

Lifted by His love, we are new creatures in Christ
the old has passed away, as all things are made new,
Are you redeemed and covered by His blood?
What He has done for others, I know He will do for you.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations


Are you anxious in the midst of life's problems
As you wake up each new day?
Do you worry about the past or future,
Or ponder the problems that might come your way?

There is no reason to fear or falter
We have One who knows and understands,
He is there even in the midnight hour,
He calms the storm and will hold your hand.

He still speaks peace to the troubled waters
They will not overtake your soul,
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep,
He will lead and guide you, in the safety of His fold.

Worry not about the past or tomorrow as our Lord is in control,
He will be there with you every moment of the day,
He speaks peace with the greatest love we could ever know,
The Lord walks beside us and always hears as we pray.

Rest in the Lord and let Him fight the battles
He knows the beginning from the end,
His peace He will bestow, as onward you go,
Look up to the Savior.... He is your dearest Friend.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2005, 2002.
J. P.'s Inspirations


When you read the morning paper
and see news of wars and strife,
don't focus on the bad news of the day
look to Jesus Christ, who gives us eternal life.

Jesus must be first
in all we say and do,
when we put first things first,
we know the Lord will see us through.

There is turmoil and fighting
we see from news in other nations
but when we look to God
He'll keep us safe in our brand new relation.

Jesus must be Lord of all
He is King of all Kings,
Only He can give true joy,
and make our hearts to sing.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations


Have you ever been discouraged
or seemed to be so blue
but as you called upon the Lord
you knew His grace would see you through?

There are many heartaches or trials
that seem too hard to bear,
but as we trust in Jesus,
we know He will always be there.

Prayer changes things as on God we call
by faith we shall receive
All we need can be found in Christ
if we only believe.

So don't let your heart be heavy
or burdened down with woes,
Jesus our Lord will carry your burdens
as through this life you go.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2005

J. P.'s Inspirations


Many men seek signs or follow many different things
We must seek the Savior, for He is still the same.
All along the way, true signs will point to Him,
we see the miracle of salvation, the greatest among men.

When we receive God's Living Bread
we have manna from on high,
we can see from the signs of the times revealed,
the day of the Lord is drawing nigh.

Prophecy is being fulfilled each day
there are wars and rumors of wars
Earthquakes in divers places
and trouble on distant shores.

Seek the Savior first each day
and let Him point the way,
By His Spirit, we have a great sign
and seal on our hearts, until His great day.

Let truth reign supreme within your heart
and love of God and man in your soul,
Let the gift of salvation be proclaimed
for it is the greatest miracle, one could ever behold.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2006
J. P.'s Inaspirations



He who hung the moon and stars, and all that is above
Filled the earth with beauty, and designed it all in love,
Understands each earthly problem, we may have in life,
He knows if we have peace, or if there is pain and strife.

He cares for us with the greatest love of all
Our Lord will always answer, when His blessed name we call,
There is no problem too big for God, if we trust in Him,
We have been given hope, by our dearest friend.

Trust in His name today. He is a God who cares for you
There is no other like He, always faithful and true,
He sent his only begotten Son to pay the price,
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.

© 2006--Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations



The songs of love gone wrong
and blues in other's homes,
are songs we heard while young and in our youth,
but the song that gives us true joy,
is one which no man can ever destroy,
it's the song of Jesus, who is life and truth.

The love songs of days gone by
no longer make us cry,
for their words are now all in vain,
but when we hear of Calvary's cross
and how Jesus died for all the lost,
we have a new song, of the power in Jesus' name.

It makes us shed a tear
when we hear of our Lord so dear
and how He shed His blood on Calvary's tree.
He loved and gave us new life
took away sorrow, sin, and strife,
He paid the price that we might go free.

Jesus put a new song in our hearts
from it we'll never depart,
a song of peace, joy, and heavenly love,
this song will lead souls to the light
even in the darkest night,
we have a love song written by our God above.

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations